Eustis Street Fire House Roxbury, MA

Eustis Street Fire House in Roxbury

Image result for eustis fire station roxburyEustis Street Fire House is located on 20 Eustis Street in Dedham Square and was built and opened in 1859. It is Boston's oldest remaining fire house structure. It was built and designed by a man named John Roulestone Hall. It is a large vertical structure made with both red brick and stone. On top holds a singular triangular roof and three broad windows. There is also a windowed door, that may have served as an entrance to the fire house long ago. Also there stands a big sign with the saying Torrent Six which was the name for the sector and or for the firefighters that worked there. This firehouse was originally used to house horses that were used at the time to transport hook and ladder equipment. This fire house was re purposed many times over the years but most recently in 2011, was used as a historic headquarter. It later served as a Spanish American War veteran post. 


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